About Us

Welcome to Tripoli Colorado, where High Power Rocketry begins at 8,800 feet above sea level!

White buffalo at Hartsel launch siteAs Prefecture #11, Tripoli-Colorado is one of the oldest prefectures of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and operation of non-professional high power rocketry. Host of LDRS VI, VII, VIII, IX, and XVI, the annual national Tripoli launch and meeting, Tripoli Colorado sets the standards with their impeccable safety record and vast pool of rocketry experience.

Tripoli Colorado operates as a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, and has regularly scheduled launches sanctioned under the Tripoli Rocketry Association. The Tripoli Colorado launch site is located approximately two hours Southwest of Denver on a private buffalo ranch near Hartsel, Colorado in South Park. Our waiver, with launch windows, allows flights to 14,200 feet AGL (23,000 feet MSL).

We have a group of dedicated flyers and we'd love to have you join us. Our group is known for its team spirit and cooperation among members and visitors alike. We know how much time you put into your projects and we'll do everything we can to help your flight succeed.

Dave and the buffalo

About Tripoli-Coloradoo
About Tripoli-Colorado

Next Event

We have decided to go with September 28th and 29th for Fall Frenzy to avoid conflicting dates with SCORE's Chili Blaster (9 - 21&22), and Balls (9-22 thru 9-24).. 
Falll Frenzy It is a two day Launch Cosrocs usually joins for Saturday and  Everyone is welcome both days.  
Our last launch on August 18 had very nice weather and we had quite a few flights using the high altitude window. 
Thanks to Terry Lee, Will Bussel, Bdale, Chris Cooley, Art Hoag and everyone else who stuck around to pack things up. Will has also been a great help with certification flights, Thanks Will! Thanks to Art for bringing Moto Joe to the site!
As always there will be no camping on site. There is camping usually available at 11 Mile, Antero, and Chaparral General store. 
Close the gate behind you at all times!
Please don't hesitate to ask for a window if you think there is any chance your rocket will break the normal 7,000 ft waiver.
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions. 
John Jamieson
Prefect Tripoli Colorado

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