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First Launch of the YearAfter two failed attempts in April, we finally held our first launch of the year this past Sunday, May 18, at our Hartsel launch site. The weather was even nicer than the forecast had predicted; at least it was when the waiver opened at 9:00am. By 11:00am or so, the wind had picked up to its normal level.

We logged a total of ten flights, including one K and one L motor. See the complete launch log below.

Mike Brazell's guest Blake had the first launch of the day - and of the season! - with his Metalizer on a B6-4. The rocket recovered in good shape just a few yards away. The first high power flight of the day was Bdale Garbee's G3. About his flight, Bdale said "the stats on my orange and black G3 flight using a CTI K500 red motor... Mach 0.9 on the way to 10098 feet AGL. Drogue-less descent rate was only about 24m/s, main descent rate was a little high at 10m/s. PFND! (perfect flight, no damage)." Good thing we had the high-altitude window open for that flight!

Bdale's flight was followed by Mike Gerschefske's "L-something" research motor. The motor chuffed a bit before it finally built up enough pressure to finally make its way off the pad... melting a hole in the blast plate in the process. Mike successfully recovered his rocket a bit later.

Among the other flights were Greg Jeziorski flying "Flower Power," the kit that his wife Janet won at the Rocket Dinner in February, and painted herself. The rocket separated and "planted" in the ground a ways away. Dave Hanson flew his upscaled Goblin-4 with a twist: the rocket carried a passenger, a toy Android which recovered under its own parachute. At deployment, the little green fellow quickly floated out of sight; despite Dave's 3 mile hike, he never found it. Luckily, Bdale picked it up on his way back from recovering his G3 flight.

All in all, a fun day on the range at Hartsel that sets the tone for the rest of the flying season. 

Photo Gallery for May 18, 2014 Tripoli-Colorado launch


Flyer's Name Rocket Name Motor
Blake Metalizer B6-4
Blake Pink Lightning E9-4
Bdale Garbee G3 K500
Greg Jeziorski Flower Power H225
Mike Gerschefske Unknown Research L
Jon Skuba Unknown I280 sparky
Dave Hanson Goblin-4 H165
Mike Brazell Darkstar I300 research motor
Jack Comfort Mosquito A3-4T
Josie Comfort Wa-Tu-Da C6-5

Next Event


Also we will be having our famous endless raffel. We raise all of our funds from the raffel and the dinner is a break even deal. So come prepared to purchase some tickets! There really are a ton of very nice prizes donated by most all of the familiar rocketry vendors!

It is being held from 1-4 PM on February 23, 2025 at Maggianos 7401 S Clinton St, Englewood, CO 80112. 

Register and pay today!

John Jamieson

TRA #04920

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