
Tripoli Colorado dues are for a calendar year (Jan-Dec) and run $25 for individuals and $35 for families. Note these dues do not include membership in the national Tripoli Rocketry Association. If you wish to obtain HPR certification, membership in TRA or NAR is required. There are no launch fees for Tripoli Colorado members, and they enjoy access to launch equipment, AeroTech and Cesaroni 38mm hardware, and hybrid hardware.

To join Tripoli Colorado, fill out the Membership Application, then either mail it along with payment to the club Treasurer, or bring it to a launch. 


Pay your club dues here (via PayPal)

Individual: $25.00 each
Family: $35.00 each

IMPORTANT: You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay by credit/debit card.

You may also pay your dues at club launches and other events. You may pay by credit card, cash or check (made out to Tripoli Colorado).

Terry Lee, Treasurer
610 E San Miguel St
Colorado Springs, CO 80903


Next Event


Also we will be having our famous endless raffel. We raise all of our funds from the raffel and the dinner is a break even deal. So come prepared to purchase some tickets! There really are a ton of very nice prizes donated by most all of the familiar rocketry vendors!

It is being held from 1-4 PM on February 23, 2025 at Maggianos 7401 S Clinton St, Englewood, CO 80112. 

Register and pay today!

John Jamieson

TRA #04920

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